What a year! Zachary is almost three and finally out of the terrible twos, although we definitely still need to resolve sharing issues. Isabella Catherine was born on March 22, and we can’t believe she’ll be 9 months old at Christmas! She’s crawling and eating solid food now and loves to watch Zachary! Having two kids really isn’t that much harder than having one… that was a real surprise for us.
We moved into our new house in Mechanicsville on May 27, and, though we miss a lot of things about D.C., we love it! Joey is still with CSC, but his commute is now a much-nicer 15 minutes long. Heather became a full-time mom in late September, resigning from her job for a variety of reasons, but she is still keeping busy. She’s doing some direct-selling of musical-themed gifts for a division of Kindermusik as well as created a line of mostly kid-related decorations. Zachary would spend all day playing on the deck or in the yard if we let him, but he will usually settle for the playroom on days that going outside isn’t an option. Bella just makes us happy… we are so excited to have her as a part of our family.
We vacationed in Virginia Beach twice this year: once with friends (hi Andrea and Steve!) and once with Heather’s family (the second year of our new family fall tradition… thanks Mom). We also went on a cruise to the Western Caribbean that stopped in Key West and Nassau, Bahamas (though it was supposed to be Cozumel, Mexico) which was so nice that we didn’t want to come back to the real world. Joey was also able to go to one Browns game with Dad, and they WON! Unfortunately, the Hokies can’t give us what Heather really wanted for Christmas (a national championship!), but we can’t wait to root them on in whatever bowl they end up in.
Please have a safe and joyous holiday season (and come visit us soon!).
Love and God bless,
Joey, Heather, Zachary, and Bella